Eco hotel Casale Milocca leisure area

The Casale Milocca hotel’s wellness center is surrounded by greenery, facing the synergic vegetable garden and the outdoor fitness trail. Inside the SPA you can relax and enjoy the following services: sauna, infrared sauna, whirlpool, emotional shower and herbal tea area. You can also choose between different types of massages and beauty and wellness treatments performed by our qualified staff.

The gardens of Hotel Casale Milocca in Syracuse are inspired by classical late eighteenth century Sicilian gardens. They are grown by judiciously introducing native plants in bright colours, with strong shades and scents that are reminiscent of rural Sicily. Walking through the enchanting paths of the farm, you will come across the fitness course, with wooden equipment that can also be used for pilates exercises.

Fitness course

For our sports guests we designed an outdoor fitness area with a sequence of twelve exercises. All pieces of equipment are built in wood with information plaques showing how to perform correctly the exercises

Baby garden

The hotel has an area especially for children, with an impressive baby garden nestled in the ancient olive trees and a children’s pool that will make their holiday in Sicily unforgettable.

Video the sicilian gardens

A video that shows our Casale from an aerial perspective, make with a drone.

Le piante dell’hotel Casale Milocca:


It is a genus that counts dozens of plants, often noxious weeds, common enough in the whole northern hemisphere; in our garden we only grow one species, Gaura Ilndheimeri, originally from the American continent along with the types originating from it over the years. The botanical species of Gaura has white pinkish flowers; there some types with snow white, or intense pink or incarnadine flowers; some others have flowers that in a few days turn from white to pink. This plant is very appropriate for the borders of perennial plants; the dimensions are big enough, taking into consideration that the stem of the flowers can reach 50/70 cm.


Perovskia atripicifolia is a perennial herbaceous plant with a woody shrub, originally from Asia. It shows woody or semi-woody stems, rather branched, which originate from a small round trunk 90-100 cm high; the foliage is grey-green, semi-evergreen, with a leaf blade deeply separated, rather thick and rugose; when rubbed the leaves release an intense perfume of sage. In late spring, until summer, some blue flowers blossom at the top of the stems, similar to lavender, gathered in long heads.


It is a plant of the family commelinaceae, originating from the neotropic region. Some species are appreciated in Europe as ornamental plants. Commonly they are also called “erba miseria” (misery weed) because of their poor aspect; they are typically herbaceous and also grown as hanging plants. The flower has only three petals, three sepals and six yellow stamens.

Ruscus Aculeatus

The Butcher’s broom, common name of the Ruscus Aculaeatus, prevalent in the Mediterranean scrub, is an evergreen bushy plant, 30 to 80 cm high, fitted with cladodes (pads), transformed trunks which in order to act as leaves became oval, flat and stiff with stinging far ends. Just above the cladodes, in spring, tiny greenish flowers blossom and the fruits, flashy scarlet berries as big as cherries ripen in winter. This species is a pure sign of Mediterranean area, being one of the components of the undergrowth in pine forests and among leccino trees.


The Rose, of the family Rosaceae, counts about 150 species subdivided in several classes, originating from Europe and Asia, with a height from 20 cm up to several meters; some are bushy, sarmentose, climbing, creeping, coming in small bushes or little trees with big or tiny flowers, in bouquets, ears or with simple or double achenes in a false fruit. The species that grow spontaneously in Italy are over 30 of which we can mention the Rosa Canina aka dog-rose, the Rosa Gallica aka gallic rose, the Rosa Glauca aka red leaf rose, the Alpine Rose and the Rosa Sempervirens aka evergreen rose.


Jasminus is a genus of plants (which includes several species of jasmine) belonging to the olive family (Oleaceae). It counts about 200 species of bushy and climbing plants, up to 4-6 m high, among which the most known and grown for ornamental purposes are the common jasmine, the Spanish jasmine, the clover jasmine, the march jasmine; some other simpler species with yellow flowers blossoming on bare branches at the end of winter are St Joseph’s Jasmine and Jasminun Primulinum. The flowers are commonly small and white but some species have flowers with pink nuances on the lower face of the petals.